Champion Tracker (CT) Statesman's High Hopes CD, BN, RN, SCN, SIN, CGCU has earned so many titles in AKC events: obedience, rally, and scent work. However, Rhett really shines in the area of tracking: including Tracking Dog (TD), Versatile Surface Tracker (VST), and Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX). Those three titles were needed for Rhett to qualify for the Champion Tracker title.
Rhett got his Tracking Dog title at one year of age. He completed his Champion Tracker title at 9 nine years of age. Tracking requires quite a bit of time in training. He and his owner train with a tracking group in Florida every week. It helps to work with a group because tracks for each dog need to laid down 2-3 hours beforehand.
Like so many things, training a dog to track is a labor of love. Rhett is now 11 years old and still loves to track. Thank you, Cyndi, for this information and photo.
